New Zealand Trip Part 1

Part 1
In November 2017,my father brought us to go for a holiday vacation to New Zealand.We travelled the South And North Island.We started from Christchurch and end it at Auckland.We departed from KL at 11.30 at night on 29 November 2017.After 7 hours flight we landed at Gold Coast International Airport for an hour stop over to refuel and add passenger.The flight continue for 5 more hours before landed at Auckland International Airport.After arrive,we picked up our stuff and checked in again to board the flight to Christchurch.It was an hour and half flight and it was very comfortable because the seat were larger 😂.It was a long and tiring journey indeed.

As we arrive,we took cab to go to the accomodation.The next morning my father went to the car rental to pick up the car that we rented.We stayed at Christchurch for 3 days before moving on to the other place.
Victoria Park

Victoria Park
