Harry Potter's facts; pt.3

Elective Subjects in Hogwarts

1. Arithmancy 

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Arithmancy is a magical discipline that studies the magical properties of numbers, including predicting the future with numbers and numerology. Wizards and witches who study and practise Arithmancy are called Arithmancers.

2. Muggle Studies

Muggle Studies: Black Harry Potter Designer Journal: Amazon.co.uk ...
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Muggle Studies is an elective class and part of the non-magical studies curriculum at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It involves the study of the history and daily lives of Muggles, and how they are able to live without magic, but instead electricity, technology and science.

3. Devination

Divination Class | Harry potter
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Sybill Trelawney. Divination is a branch of magic that involves attempting to foresee the future, or gather insights into past, present and future events, through various rituals and tools.

4. Study of Ancient Runes

Study of Ancient Runes | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom
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Ancient runes are a form of writing which witches and wizards used hundreds of years ago. It is also a subject at Hogwarts. Classwork and homework involves plenty of practice translating runes, and the O.W.L. involves translating something written in runes into English.

5. Care of Magical Creatures

Unidentified chestnut-coloured hippogriff | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom
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Care of Magical Creatures, also known as Creature Care, is an elective course at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that can be chosen by students in their third year. In the class, students learn about a wide range of magic creatures, from flobberworms to fire crabs, and even unicorns and thestrals.
