Monster Rancher Advance

Monster Rancher Advance

Monster Rancher Advance
Source : Google

              I'm not going to talk about Pokemon again in this entry smh but i will talk about another games available in Gameboy Advance, which is Monster Rancher Advance. This is the first franchise from the animation " Monster Rancher " and it was released back on Novemberr 29, 2001. Developed by Tecmo, this particular game was later continued with the release of Monster Rancher Advance 2.

            The game first begin when the avatar moved into the ranch located in the Age Island. The avatar is a well-known monster breeder and had been invited by the AGIMA ( the professional body that handles monsters breeding matters ) to help restore one of the run-down ranch in the Island. The rancher worker then take the avatar to the Shrine, where the player can now summon their very first monster.

Tablet Inscription
Source : Google
          To summon a monster, the players are required to fill in the tablet with letters that will then decide what sort of monster that will be summoned . There are tons of types of monster in this game, and every type have several species that can be summoned, so try as creative as you can be with the tablet and summon between 414 monsters in the game !

Source : Google
              Once you summoned a monster that is suitable for you, you may then take it to your ranch to train it and bring it to battles to achieve a higher rank of monster. There are several aspects that can be trained such as Power, Life, Defense and also Accuracy. The stats for each aspects determine the strength, toughness and intelligence of the monster, so make sure to train them well to have a higher chance to win battles.

Monster Battle
Source: Google
                In Monster Battle, each monster will have their own moves and skills to reduce the enemy's life points which are stated in the life gauge above them. Some attacks are fatal, yet lacks accuracy, thus a proper planning and choice of moves must be made by the players to earn the victory.

               That's all for the game Monster Rancher Advance, until next time , bye !
