Pokemon - Crystal Version

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal
Source : Google
             The first pokemon game that sparked my interest into the Pokemon Universe. Though it was released back in 2000, December 14 to be exact, this particular game still accompany my days and nights as i spend my years growing up.

             The game begins as you first are introduced to the Pokemon Professor in your town, New Bark Town. After that, you are then offered to choose one of the three starter Pokemon for this game, which are Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquil. All three of them are rare pokemons, so a wise decision is a must.

                     Chikorita                                 Cyndaquil                               Totodile                      

                After you chose your starter Pokemon, You are set to go ! The map of this saga is divided into two, Johto and Kanto Region. You will start the journey in Johto region, and only after finishing all the missions in Johto you will be able to navigate your way to Kanto

Map of Pokemon Crystal
Source : Google
          As the tagline go, Gotta Catch 'em All, there are tons of pokemons waiting to be tamed in this game. But nothing can beat The Legendary Beast and The Legendary Birds. 

Ho-Oh and Lugia
Source : Google
      These two Legendary Birds, Ho-oh and Lugia are the embodiment of Fire and Water, the two essential elements in creating the world. In order to have the chance to encounter the Ho-Oh, you need to posses Clear Bell which is later given as you play the game. Meanwhile for Lugia, a Silver Wing is needed to allow Player to encounter Lugia in the Whirl Islands.

Raikou, Entei and Suicune
Source : Google
       The Legendary Beast. Three beast created by Ho-Oh to control the order of lightning, flame and water. In this game, the encounter with Suicune, The Water Beast is a part of the story, while the encounter with Entei (Flame Beast) and Raikou (Lightning Beast) depends on random encounter in the wild.

      That's all for the Pokemon Crystal. I'll be back next time with another series of games, or maybe just Pokemons. Until next time, bye !
