Nintendo Gameboy

Something that never ages.

Hi there! Something that never ages, sounds eccentric, doesn't it? Well here, I am about to introduce to you some of the "memories" from our childhood years, but it's more to games. So stay tune and let us reminisce our childhood times together !

Source : Google
First and foremost, the all-time legend; Gameboy! You do have a boring time growing up if you haven's get the chance to hold one of the masterpiece in human's video game history. 

Gameboy Glacier
Source : Google

Although it may look old by having the appearances of only 4 analog arrows, a pair of A and B buttons and also Left and Right buttons, this machine right here is a beast in attracting it users to the Land of Games. 

Collection of Games
Source : Google
As you can see from the picture above, those are only a few of games that have been developed by all sort of companies such and Namco, Bandai and even Disney too! No wonder one can be so hooked up with it and it is also ideal and suitable for all ages and gender.
People playing Gameboy
Source : Google
Well, i wasn't exaggerating when i say one could be attached to this ancient machine from the 20th century. It is undeniable that it may cause harm if the users are way too addicted to it, but it's entertaining right? 

i'll be back with more article about this 'Memories-reminiscing Machine From the Past' in the next entry. Until next time then, bye !
